Atelier Ilse Schnall

Am Zeigefinger Silberring "Sanfte Welle Himmelsleiter mit Wolke", am Mittelfinger Silberring "Weinholzschnitt" besetzt mit Brillanten und in Gold gefasster Aquamarin, am Ringfinger Silberring "Himmelsleiter mit Wolke", Wolkenstein aus Achtkristall


Ohrgehänge (UNIKATE) auf rosafarbenem Wollschal - "Schachbrettblume" Silberblüten mit Schachbrettmuster, aus dem Kelch ragt eine tropfenförmige Perle, der Ohrgehängeteil ist aus Gelbgold in Form einer Blüte gestaltet und mit kleinen Perlen besetzt


6 Gelbgoldringe (UNIKATE) mit dem Thema Meer und Natur, die Steine sind Fancy Diamonds, Brillanten und Topas


Junge Frau Magdalena-Bichler mit erhobener Hand und Zeigefinger auf dem Mund liegend, auf Ihrem Ringfinger befindet sich ein Ginkgo - Blatt - Ring! Der Ring enthält einen grünen Peridot - Stein!

Unique pieces crafted by an artist

Each piece of jewelry from Atelier Ilse Schnall is unique and crafted with care from Fairtrade precious metals. From selecting the materials and meticulously searching for the perfect gemstone, to creating an artistic sketch of the idea, and executing delicate as well as intricate goldsmithing work.

My studio is both a workshop of ideas and a true goldsmith's studio. Here, the poetry of gold and silver comes to life, turning your heartfelt idea into your own, individually crafted piece of jewelry.

My unique pieces adorn hands, ears, and necks around the world. It brings me particular joy to see that genuine and unadulterated goldsmithing artistry is valued by my clients amidst the mass production of jewelry.

A piece of jewelry is as unique as the wearer themselves. Whether delicate or bold, crafted from gold or silver, designed for everyday wear or special occasions—my studio creates individual pieces to suit every taste and event. Each work I complete carries a piece of myself, reflecting my personal touch. Ilse Schnall Jewelry is recognizable, as over my years as a freelance artist, I have developed my own distinctive style.

At Atelier Ilse Schnall, you can purchase finished one-of-a-kind pieces, find inspiration, or commission a custom creation. I look forward to welcoming you personally and helping you choose the perfect jewelry piece.

Gelbgoldring (UNIKAT) "Im Garten" mit grünem Turmalin, Perle und Brillant
Silbercollier (UNIKAT) "Blume" mit Stein aus Hessonit auf Holzfläche
Roségold Collier (UNIKAT) "Toskanische Impression" mit Mondstein
Silbercollier (UNIKAT) "Blatt und Blüten", geschmiedet und gewoben, Silberdrahtkugeln auf weißer Fläche
Es ist der Text "Poesie in Gold und Silber beginnt im Herzen..." zu sehen

Jewelry pieces have their own imagination...

With seven notes, one can compose entire symphonies, tell whole stories. Each note, each thought, each idea, from old driftwood, rusted iron, and gleaming silver or gold, precious stones as well as fossil finds, begins with a dream, dreamy fantasies.

When observing extraordinary architecture or people engaged in their social activities, during conversations of substance, at concerts or in theaters, each note in the creation of the composition is unique. This is my creativity and imagination, the generating force behind the resulting objects that tell their own stories - stories that intertwine with yours.

Silberring und Goldring (UNIKATE) - Goldring "Schote" mit Brillanten besetzt, Schalen zum sammeln schöner Momente
Silber Collier "Mein Ginkgo" mit Mondstein

I draw inspiration from nature.

From observations where nature transcends itself, weaving delicate threads into ornaments. Labyrinths of silver meander. Floating on cloud nine, in English "number 9". Discovering shapes, awakening memories in clouds, connecting heavenly ladders, eyes glimpsing, looking back on journeys.

Gazes flow into infinity, drawn from the vastness, the depths of the sea. There I gather driftwood, pearls, gemstones, shells, stones, found objects.

These things flow into objects. I create images for wearing, for contemplating. Metal collages of gold and silver become objects, rings, brooches. They are stories, poems of beautiful moments, flowing through them.

Logo und Schriftzug Ilse Schnall

Goldsmith & Jewelry Artist
Dorfnerstraße 16/Stiege 1,  3390 Melk
+43 676 4321790

Appointments by arrangement. I look forward
to your visit to my studio.
